We wish you all Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2022!

We wish you all Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2022!


Home > News > Christmas 2021 at Enantia

Christmas tree with Enantia's logo

We wish you all Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2022!

December 17th, 2021

From Enantia we wish you all good health, joy and prosperity throughout the coming year 2022.

We would like to thank our customers, suppliers and employees for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to working with you in the years to come.

Enantia receives an Expoquimia Award

Enantia receives an Expoquimia Award


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Enantia receives an Expoquimia Award for its work in co-crystallization technology to pufity cannabidiol

Enantia receives one of the Expoquimia Awards 2020 for the use of co-crystallization technology for the purification of CBD from plant extracts.

September 17th, 2021

Enantia has received one of the awards from the sixth edition of the Expoquimia Awards 2020 for Research, Development and Innovation in the field of chemistry.

This award recognizes the most innovative processes and the most sustainable products and chemical technologies. Enantia participated with its work in cannabinoids named “Co-crystals fish out cannabinoid from plant extract”, which highlights the potential of Enantia’s technology to develop efficient processes for the purification of cannabidiol (CBD) from natural sources and, in general, for the purification of high-value compounds from complex matrixes of either natural or synthetic origins. You can read more about this technology here.

We would like to thank the committee for this recognition, and congratulate the rest of the participants.


Picture: Dr. Sara Preciado (Head of IP and Innovation at Enantia) receiving the award at the Expoquimia 2021 event.

Enantia sponsors one of the Young Researchers’ Awards of the XX SEQT Congress

Enantia sponsors one of the Young Researchers’ Awards of the XX SEQT Congress


Home > News > Enantia sponsors one of the Young Researchers’ Awards of the XX SEQT Congress

Enantia sponsors one of the Young Researchers' Awards of the XX SEQT Congress

Enantia sponsors one of the Young Researchers’ Awards of the XX SEQT Congress


July 12th, 2021

It’s a pleasure to announce Enantia’s collaboration with the SEQT on their XX Awards, which will be given on the XX Congress of the SEQT. The meeting will be held in Santiago de Compostela from January 23th to 26th, 2022. Are you an early career researcher in the field of search and development of new drugs? Call is open until the 15th of July, look here for details and submit your work!

The Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT) is a multidisciplinary, non-profit body created in 1977. It integrates all professionals, companies, and organizations whose activity is related to Spanish Pharmaceutical R+D. The goals of the SEQT are to promote the development of this field through the organization of scientific meetings that will stimulate professional contacts at both national and international levels, and to contribute to the training of advanced graduate students in the field. The SEQT is member of the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC), which groups the majority of graduates and professionals working in Pharmaceutical R+D.

Renewal of Enantia’s ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

Renewal of Enantia’s ISO 9001:2015 Certificate


Home > News > Renewal of ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

Renewal of ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

July 7th, 2021

Our UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 certificate has been renewed for our services in development and synthesis of organic compounds, as well as for the development, preparation and analysis of solid forms. This demonstrates, once again, Enantia’s high-quality standards to meet our customer’s requirements.

At Enantia we also undertake projects that require Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certification that involve the synthesis of drug candidates and active pharmaceutical ingredients, as well as the preparation of solid forms like cocrystals, salts, polymorphs and solvates of a given compound, delivered by our trusted GMP-certified partners.


Enantia’s Spray Dryer

Enantia’s Spray Dryer


Home > News > Enantia’s Spray Dryer

Enantia at CPhI

Enantia’s Spray Dryer


May 27th, 2021

Enantia broadens its services by offering amorphous solids development services by using a Büchi Mini Spray Dryer B-290, which allows working with active compounds and excipients using aqueous and organic solvents.

Spray drying is a reliable and scalable technique to develop and manufacture amorphous solids and particles in the desired size distribution, which we do as part of our solid state services. In particular, the Büchi Mini Spray Dryer B-290 is ideal for research and development projects as only quantities in the range of grams of the targeted compound are required, but can also produce hundreds of grams. Additionally, the processes developed with this equipment can be easily scaled up to an industrial batch size.

Enantia’s spray dryer is very versatile allowing the use of solutions, emulsions and suspensions in both aqueous and organic solvents. The desired particles are quickly produced using a reproducible, low impact process.

Nowadays the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetic industries are widely using spray drying to obtain:

  • Reproducible amorphization of solids, including APIs, to:
    • Increase bioavailability (by increasing API’s solubility)
    • Find non IP infringing solid forms
    • Produce particles with the right particle size distribution to be used in inhaled administration
  • Improved API solid forms for controlled release formulations, flavour masking and better handling of oils by microencapsulation and polymer dispersion

Enantia at CPhI Discover 2021

Enantia at CPhI Discover 2021


Home > News > Enantia at CPhI Discover 2021

Enantia at CPhI

Enantia at CPhI Discover 2021


May 21st, 2021

Enantia is attending the current edition of CPhI Discover taking place online from the 17th to the 28th  of May.

We will be glad to meet you to discuss more about our Process Chemistry services, including route scouting, CMC support and scale up with our new kilo lab facilities. We also offer Medicinal Chemistry programs from hit finding to lead optimization, aside from other support activities.

Contact us also for our Solid Form Development services to optimize the properties of your candidates, improving their IP or to use our pioneering cocrystallization technology for an easy and scalable purification of complex crudes or natural extracts.

Additionally, we count with a Solid Form Analysis department for a detailed understanding of the solid phase in the development and manufacturing of APIs and fine chemicals.

Finally, we also offer pharmaceutical grade synthetic GMP CBD to be used in your clinical development programs.

You can find us during the CPhI as exhibitors and the rest of the year at info@enantia.com

Enantia’s new Kilo Lab

Enantia’s new Kilo Lab



Home > News > Enantia’s New Kilo Lab

Merry Christmas and prosperous 2021!

Enantia’s new Kilo Lab

May 10th, 2021

Enantia has inaugurated a new Kilo Lab for the development, scale up and production of key intermediates and preclinical compounds.

Usually, at the beginning of an investigation, industrially interesting compounds are obtained through non scalable methods. These processes can be carried out in a laboratory setting for small quantities, but require alternative approaches when larger quantities are needed because when the reaction is scaled up key aspects such as its safety, efficiency and impurity profile, change. This is why developing the process in an initial Kilo Lab is key to understand and control these aspects. One of Enantia’s main activities in its Chemical R&D department is precisely the development of safe and industrially scalable synthetic routes, considering also their economic viability as well as its environmental footprint.

Similarly, our Solid State R&D team will also make the most of this new equipment when developing robust, efficient and scalable methods to obtain solid forms for candidates and active pharmaceutical ingredients – like polymorphs, salts, solvates and cocrystals – as well as to use them in purification and resolution methods (you can read an example of purification through cocrystallization here).

The new Kilo lab is placed at Enantia’s Barcelona Science Park site, and it is equipped with a 15 L jacketed reactor and a 20 L auxiliary reactor, both fitted with mechanical stirrers, and allowing temperatures up to 150 °C and reactions under inert atmosphere. This equipment enables studying the scale up from multigram to kilogram scale, being this phase where more development and optimization is needed. Once Enantia has developed the processes in the Kilo Lab, it is possible to execute a quick technology transfer to the client’s pilot plant or alternatively, the client’s contract manufacturing partner of choice.

Additionally, Enantia offers the possibility to prepare batches of preclinical compounds, advanced intermediates and building-blocks within the kilogram scale.

Enantia works following very high-quality standards and is ISO-9001:2015 certified. Besides these services, Enantia collaborates with trusted partners to transfer the developed technology in order to produce product batches under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) at industrial scale.

Enantia at Synthesis in Drug Discovery and Development

Enantia at Synthesis in Drug Discovery and Development



Home > News > Synthesis in Drug Discovery and Development Symposium

Merry Christmas and prosperous 2021!

Enantia is a speaker sponsor for the symposium

March 18th, 2021

Enantia is a speaker sponsor for the “Synthesis in Drug Discovery and Development” symposium which will be held by the Royal Society of Chemistry on the 22nd and 23rd of March.

This event will focus in innovative synthesis facilitating candidate discovery and overcoming the challenges of their scale up. These activities are carried out by Enantia in its Medicinal Chemistry and Process Chemistry departments respectively.

If you are interested in the chemical development of your candidates to optimize their activity, selectivity or toxicologic profile (among other properties) contact us to know more about our offer in Hit finding, H2L and LO programs.

Once a candidate is selected to be moved forward in the drug discovery process, one of Enantia’s main activities is the development of scalable routes of synthesis according to our clients’ requirements for a suitable scale up.

Contact us if you would like more information about any of our services.

Season’s greetings 2020

Season’s greetings 2020



Enantia's logo featuring the CIR logo with the french flag as background

Merry Christmas and prosperous 2021!

December 14th, 2020

We would like to wish a happy holiday to everyone who has placed their trust in Enantia during this year marked by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thank you to all our customers, suppliers and employees, whose hard work has been essential in such a challenging year.

We wish you a safe and merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2021.


Enantia supports an environmental-friendly paper-free holiday season.

Enantia has been granted the Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR) accreditation

Enantia has been granted the Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR) accreditation



Home > News > Enantia has been granted CIR accreditation
Enantia's logo featuring the CIR logo with the french flag as background

Enantia has been granted the Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR)

November 10th, 2020

The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has granted Enantia with the Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR) for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

The Crédit d’Impôt Recherche is a measure to support the research and development activities of French companies that have expenses in research and experimental development, who can benefit from the CIR by deducting them from their taxes under certain conditions.

This is great news for our French customers, especially those with a strong R&D activity like pharmaceutical companies, biotech, CDMOs and CMOs, that can now benefit from our CIR accreditation in all our services, which include medicinal chemistry, chemical development, solid state development and solid form analysis.

You can check our CIR accreditation here.